IAweb WS 2023/2024

Exercise 1: Diamond

This exercise involves using Diamond, a web-based prototype system to support information architecture. Diamond provides two tools: TreeTest and CardSort.

Diamond is still a work-in-progress, expect there to be some issues here or there.

This is an individual exercise. Points will be awarded individually, not by group.

You should work alone. This is not a collaborative exercise.

1 Prepare for Screen Recording

2 Tree Testing

3 Card Sorting

4 Prepare Your Hand-In Folder

5 Hand In Your Work

Zip up your hand-in folder as a file named something like iaweb-ws2023-ex1-andrews.zip and send it to me by email to kandrews@iicm.edu before the deadline. If the zip file is too large for email, send it to me using bigmail.tugraz.at (do not set a password).